The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

"Green" Turning Brown?

Image "enhanced" just to anger the poo-flinging crowd from yesterday.

Seriously, this trendy fad—which, I might add, isn't backed by an ounce of credible science—can't come to an end soon enough:

"It's not just the economic downturn that has harmed the green order. People have become wary of environmental causes that can turn out to do more harm than good. They don't want wind turbines marching across Britain's moors when nuclear power stations can do more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. They worry that washing and bleaching all those non-disposable nappies may be damaging the ozone layer, that the massive incentives for biofuels have distorted the world food market, and that green taxes are actually stealth taxes."

"Green" living is so utterly impractical that even Mr. Inconvenient Truth himself can't seem to hack it.

Isn't any wonder that everyone else is starting to notice?

Incidentally, the rabid left crucified Jimmy Swaggart for such hypocrisy, and we on the right made no excuses on his behalf at the time. You've just got to love how "different" things are now that our roles are reversed.

  #Environmentalism #SnappedShots


#1 Kevin 08-Aug-2008
That photo is strong evidence that cows are causing global warming. I don't think more proof is needed.
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