The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Like Fathers, Like Sons

Here is a typical photo of this year's Hamas "scout" camp graduation ceremony. I don't know about you, but it doesn't look anything like what I remember going through in the Boy Scouts, nor do I remember watching adults go through any similar ceremony here in the "hegemonic" United States,

It does, however, closely resemble certain other graduation ceremonies.

It's interesting to note that my friend Muhammed Muheisen and his editors at the Associated Press still try to pass this off as a typically peaceful "scouts" camp.

And yet, Israeli soldiers are still the ones being portrayed as violent.

Update: Haha, Aussie Dave points out that one of the Hamas "scouts" seems to have a striking resemblance to Jennifer Anniston.

 Tags: muhammed muheisen AP #Intifada

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