The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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The Associated Press Promotes Islam

Could my dear friends over at the AP be publishing more pro-Islamic material on their "news" wire?

That's the only conclusion I can come to after seeing this picture, anyway.

I understand that it's neat that we're experiencing a solar eclipse in parts of the world right now, but is it really newsworthy to send out a nicely-cropped promotion of the domination of Islam on the newswire?

The partial solar eclipse is seen against a crescent of Islamabad's grand Faisal mosque in Pakistan on Aug 1, 2008. (AP Photo/B.K.Bangash)

By the way, is that an adjective I see there? Because, as far as I can tell, "Grand" is not in the title of that particular mosque.

Update: I reckon this photo means the AP promotes Orthodox Christianity as well. So, maybe these photos are intended to be artistic in nature? IF so, why are they being transmitted on the editorial wires, rather than on the non-news-oriented artistic images feed?

Update: Weasel Zippers has suggested that Reuters has been promoting Islam too, albeit subliminally. It could be, but I think the AP photo I linked up at the top of this article is far more overtly proselytizing.

 Tags: b k bangash AP #TROP


#1 ZIP 01-Aug-2008
Yeah, you got me beat!.....
#2 captainfish 04-Aug-2008
You said (psst...AP). That is gonna cost you $5.00.

And then you referenced a site that uses (psst...AP) photos and its associated text. That will add to your "quoting" bill.
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