The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Nuance: Blowing Up A Plane? A Public "Nuisance"

Seriously, the whole notion of crime and punishment is horrendously skewed in Her Majesty's Kingdom: (h/t Jihad Watch)

In the UK, two British Muslims accused of plotting to blow up an airliner have admitted conspiring to commit public nuisance.

They have pleaded guilty to distributing al Qaida-style videos threatening suicide bomb attacks in Britain.

Last week, five of their co-defendants admitted the same charge.

To be fair, blowing up a plane would be one heck of a public nuisance, what with all of the burning wreckage and cleaning up to do.

Who knows? Maybe the Crown just thinks that such a nuisance is the cost of living in the modern age.



#1 Ace of Spades HQ 21-Jul-2008
Supposedly this is the Iranian army training. I have no idea if it is or not. It's certainly a crack unit. Stay with it to 'till the end; it's short. Thanks for the below video to Snapped Shot, who also...
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