The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Am I Mean-Spirited?

When I read this National Public Radio article on the "starving poor," and I saw the photo that illustrated it, this is the first thing that came to mind:

Can't wait to see that attraction.

Aunt Barb, I can see you shaking your head out there.

Update: Some random liberal thinks I'm mean-spirited. No surprise there—The Left has been unable to laugh at anything since the Carter years. They're scarred for life, I tell ya!

(That was a joke, in case you missed it. Or you're a liberal.)

Sources—Or: People Less Mean-Spirited than Me

Gateway Pundit, Moonbattery

 Tags: snapped shots #SnappedShots #DailyFodder


#1 Cletus 18-Jul-2008
"Nunez, 40, has [b]never worked[/b] and has no high school degree. She says a car accident 17 years ago left her depressed and disabled, incapable of getting a job."

Yeah, I'm sure. The only disability this whale has is trouble fitting through doors.

"The rising cost of food means their money gets them about a third fewer bags of groceries"

So basically, these fatties are forced to buy the same amount of food as the rest of us. Boo fuckin' hoo.

If you're going to show people who've fallen on hard times, NPR, this would help sell your BS a little better:

too bad no one looks like that in America.
#2 captainfish 18-Jul-2008
EXACTLY Cletus!!!!

Waaaahhh... can't afford to buy their ice cream any more. booohooo!!!

NPR, touting an obese family as representative of poor hungry people of America. They live in subsidized housing and have their utilities subsidized.

NPR has a link that shows their monthly budget.

They live off of $740 a month with, according to the highlighted budget, expenses totaling $447 a month. How is this struggling? They have nearly 50% of their income left over.
#3 Three Sources 19-Jul-2008
I assume many of you saw this, but I think everybody has to. NPR profiled the plight of this family that has had to cut down on food. The headline on the NPR site is For Some Ohioans, Even Meat...
#4 DoYogaFeelGreat 22-Jul-2008
Wow! It must be nice to live rent & utility free. I actually get to struggle to pay for food, gas, utilities and rent. At least it keeps me thin (especially when compared to these two behemoths).
#5 riff 25-Jul-2008
Gee Cletus, I would love to argue with you, on the poor plight of the harpoonery twins, but I just can't......damn...that picture reminds me I have to go check on the bacon I have curing in the brine.....gonna be smoking time
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