The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Snapped Shot Makes B. Hussein Obama's Website!

... but only in a slightly supporter-contributed way.

Far be it from me to suggest that some of the Obama Community posters are obviously acting as parodies of Obama Community posters.

It's Glorious
By Dale Hussein Skinner - Jul 22nd, 2008 at 8:20 am EDT

I love all of the halo pictures of our Messiah in the news. The dextrosphere complains that they are set-ups. They should know better and that it is really Obama's natural halo. Haven't they figured out that He is the coming Savior?

Here is a different picture. Not sure how it was captured, but it must be Obama's inner soul; the Hope and Change that will bring peace and harmony to the world.

(h/t snapped-shot)

Do you support Senator HopeChange ChangeHope's plan for hoping and changing America into submission? After all, after peering into his very soul, how can you not?

The name's "Snapped Shot," by the way. None of that nasty dashy stuff.

Update: Screencapped for your viewing pleasure:




#1 Dale Skinner 01-Aug-2008
Thanks for finding my post and commenting on it. I'd change my hat tip, but I learned tonight that my account at Obama's site has been disabled. They must not like my glowing support.
#2 Skinner Sphere 01-Aug-2008
While trying to use Google to find any cached versions of my Obama blog, I discovered someone had written about one of my posts.
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