The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Daily Dictator

Cletus writes to say that he's quickly tiring of Little Mahmoud all the time. It just occurred to me that there are other dictators out there, too, and furthermore, that said other dictators also run news services that I won't even begin to acknowledge. And thusly, our adventure broadens...

Dell makes a rather curious hiring decision, one that's sure to cause many problems for your average computer tech support customer.

"Hmm.. I wonder where the 'Death to the Jews' button" is?

"Press 1 for Spanish, 2 for English, and 3 for Death to America!"



#1 DMartyr 11-Jul-2008
I heard Dell was changing its logo. This is a sneak peek at what I think it might look like:

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