The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

How's that for Embarrassing?

Nearly one-third of the entire Coptic art collection in the fabled Brooklyn Museum of Art is fake?

Somewhere, somehow, there's a museum director in tears out there:

LONDON. A third of the Coptic sculptures at the Brooklyn Museum of Art are modern fakes. Its collection of late Egyptian sculpture was, until now, the second largest in North America. Brooklyn curator Dr Edna Russmann, who is concluding a study of the works, warns that other museums which acquired Coptic sculptures in the past 50 years are likely to face similar problems.

The unmasking of the forgeries will be revealed in an exhibition on “Coptic Sculpture in the Brooklyn Museum”, opening on 13 February 2009. The Art Newspaper can reveal that ten of Brooklyn’s 30 sculptures are now deemed to be complete fakes, with over half the remainder having been recarved and repainted in modern times.

I think I remember a recent episode of the Naked Archaeologist talking about something almost exactly like this, incidentally. That show rocks.

(h/t forkinsocket)



#1 Kevin 02-Jul-2008
[i]"A third of the Coptic sculptures at the Brooklyn Museum of Art are modern fakes."[/i]

What does that mean? The people who made them weren't actual cops?
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