The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Proper Funeral Attire

Here's yet another shining example of culture from the Palestinian terror-tories, in which an Islamic Jihad militant displays the latest in funeral fashion for audiences worldwide:

A Palestinian militant of the Islamic Jihad attends the funeral of three comrades in Khan Yunis, southern Gaza Strip, on June 16, 2008. Israeli troops killed three Palestinian fighters who were trying to plant explosives at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel, according to the Islamic Jihad movement and an Israeli army spokesman. AFP PHOTO/SAID KHATIB [Photo via Newscom]

Of course, perhaps my Magic Sarcasm Generator is working a bit too hard lately.

In all seriousness, is Agence France-Presse really trying to pass this off as a "news" photograph? Or could it be that they are vying to become the next official source of Hamas propaganda?

 Tags: said khatib AFP #Intifada


#1 Cletus 20-Jun-2008
dude i just smoked the best weed ive had in awhile im fuckin blasted

time to kill some terrorists... in COUNTERSTRIKE
#2 Donkeyrock 20-Jun-2008
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