I reckon that in Canada, when one makes a suggestion that a spoiled child make a "federal case" out of something, the declaration should be taken seriously from here on out:
OTTAWA (AFP) - A Canadian court has lifted a 12-year-old girl's grounding, overturning her father's punishment for disobeying his orders to stay off the Internet, his lawyer said Wednesday.
The girl had taken her father to Quebec Superior Court after he refused to allow her to go on a school trip for chatting on websites he tried to block, and then posting "inappropriate" pictures of herself online using a friend's computer.
Brian, you are right. These judges must not have anything better to do... like make sure laws are protected and obeyed. What law was broken here to have a case heard in front of this judge.
And, if this was like America, having a case ruled in Superior Court would mean that this case was heard in lower courts, right?
Via HotAir: "And wins, natch. Look at it this way: If they’re not going to recognize free speech rights, why would they recognize parental rights? "
AMEN Brothers! If they don't value profound human right of free speech, then you know they will not recognize parent's rights.