Not sure why this CNN story is directing you here. My apologies about that, since this isn't related to that in the least. I blame Sphere, Barack "Hussein" Obama, and the Vast Zionist Conspiracy. Not necessarily in that order.
Gay-rights advocates do always like to say that the only thing you need to have a "family" is love and tolerance.
Oh, and
cigarette burns, apparently:
The mother of a 5-year-old-boy and her live-in girlfriend have been arrested in connection with what authorities describe as "unbearable physical and psychological abuse" of the child, police said Saturday.
The boy, who was in guarded condition at a local hospital, was rescued Monday by a stranger who found him abandoned and called authorities.
Police said the women routinely beat the boy, forced him to put his hands on a hot stove, burned his body and genitals with cigarettes and often would not let him eat or drink.
The only other (admittedly juvenile) thing I'd like to add to this story is:
(h/t Cletus)
Oh, wait a minute.........