The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Oh, the Huge Manatee!

I'm going to post a screen-cap of this comment, which I found over yonder, and let it stand on its own merit:

Repeat after me: "I did it for teh lulz!"

Those of you who have been reading this blog for more than a little while will hopefully understand the supreme irony.



#1 DMartyr 17-Jun-2008
They FOOLED me, Jerry! They fooled ME!
#2 forest 17-Jun-2008

Looks like you've been a little too subtle in stating your point of view...
#3 DMartyr 17-Jun-2008
Sarcasm gets them every time.

Muhammad forbid humour.
#4 Cletus 17-Jun-2008
wonder if he'll ever figure out the goofy in the statement
#5 captainfish 17-Jun-2008
Brian, I don't ... get ... it.
Or is it me. I have always had a problem with humor and sarcasm. Weren't you just pointing out how Palestine is occupied by occupying occupiers who occupy the land that another occupation wants to occupy?

(yes, sarcasm)
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