The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

In Mahmoud's World

In case you didn't find Mahmoud earlier, here he is—The latest season of Iranian Idol is just now wrapping up, with the final three contestants going into a marathon sing-off until two of them pass out (or are thrown in jail by the Mullah's guards).

The judges are ready.

Who will be this year's Iranian Idol? The World Can't Wait to find out.

[Source A, Source B]

(And really, he's over here—but for some odd reason, my terrorist-aligned news service isn't bringing any mock-worthy photos from this little shin-dig. One can always hope for tomorrow, though!)

 Tags: snapped shots #Dictatorship #SnappedShots


#1 captainfish 19-Jun-2008
To me it looks like the Iranian version of Star Trek.
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