The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

We Are Living In Soviet Russia

A news organization, fair and impartial, is asking all of its readers to print out an Obama mask and send the results to them. Guess proselytizing is a new media mandate in the New Soviet Era.

Nikita Kruschev, eat your heart out.

(h/t Pamela)

  #Dictatorship #SnappedShots


#1 Kevin 02-Feb-2009
#2 Kevin 02-Feb-2009
#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 02-Feb-2009
#4 captainfish 02-Feb-2009

Great one Kevin. Can't hardly tell them apart. So, are we going to hear from the liberals now that we are being mean-spririted and hateful that Kevin is comparing the messiah to Hitler?

(hmmm, wonder if they did any such thing in the past??)
#5 Brian C. Ledbetter 02-Feb-2009
#6 Brian C. Ledbetter 02-Feb-2009

This is fun! ;)
#7 Kevin 02-Feb-2009
Haha good ones! I tried to find a big image of you to do it with, Brian, but was unsuccessful. I also failed with Carter, because his face is so weird.
#8 captainfish 02-Feb-2009
That last one is the best yet. Fits perfectly.
#9 busywolf 03-Feb-2009
Hi guys!
Brian, you rock! The Leninobama is really really scary!

Kevin, loved the Obamahitler, artsy.
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