My apologies for the absence for the past few days—I've been off and about doing other things, and haven't had enough time to sit down and check in here.
I have discovered something new and interesting, though. A friend tipped me off to Detroit Blog, which has proven to be one of the most fascinating sites I've seen in a long time. The author lives in or somewhere near Detroit, and spends quite a bit of time documenting the current state of affairs in that city. Some posts discuss the troubles that current residents of the city face, such as urban prairies. Quite a few posts explore the city's fading landmarks in a very unique way. My favorites are the explorations of the grand skyscrapers of old, and how the "architecture" of today compares. And the photography is astoundingly stark.
Really, the site is that good. In fact, it's exactly the format I was looking for way back when I toyed around with Brian's Commonwealth—with the exception that I don't write nearly as well, and I found very quickly that I didn't have enough spare time to visit, much less research, all of the historic sites I wanted to.
I'm on page 30 of the blog and counting, and I recommend you check it out as well. Once you get into the swing of the site, I doubt you will be able to put it down either.