The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Miracle: Kevin Frayer Finds a Hamas Militant

One can only imagine that the mystery of the mythical unicorn will be solved forthrightly:

A masked Palestinian militant from Hamas carries his weapon as he walks in the rubble of a house destroyed in the recent Israeli military operation in east Jebaliya, northern Gaza Strip, Saturday, Jan. 24, 2009. (AP Photo/Kevin Frayer)

One can only hope that Kevin passes his handy Hamas identification guide on to Patrick Baz next time they run into each other.

Incidentally, for background on how Hamas was directly responsible for civilian casualties in Gaza, please see here immediately. How much longer will the Dudley Do-rights of Turtle Bay turn a blind eye to such blatant war crimes?

 Tags: kevin frayer AP #Intifada


#1 claudia 25-Jan-2009
Strange, I heard that the Israelis soldiers did exactly the same thing. They did even worse by killing children in the streets at close range. This is also a war crime. Using phosphorous bombs in urban areas is also a war crime.
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