The Ghost of Snapped Shot

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Crazy Thought: The United Nations Sides with Terrorists!

You know, if I didn't read this in ye olde black-and-white, I might never have figured it:

While the UNRWA gets its collective panties bunched up over supposed Israeli violations of humanitarian law, they are completely, absolutely silent over Hamas' direct attacks on Gazan aid.

We have already seen that Hamas confiscates aid at gunpoint once it gets into Gaza, takes the lion's share, then sells the rest to Gazans and takes profit, before any other agency gets their part.

Not a word from UNRWA.

Today, we see that Hamas broke the three-hour truce by firing at the Kerem Shalom crossing while humanitarian aid was being delivered.

Not a word from UNRWA.

I know this sounds crazy, but it is almost as if the UNRWA is solidly on the side of the terrorists!

  #Untied Nations


#1 DMartyr 09-Jan-2009
U.N> humanitarian aid contained uniforms:
#2 captainfish 09-Jan-2009
Oh that is just friggin INSANE!!!

I still have no clue why there isn't armed guards for this stuff. There always is when aid is shipped to other countries.

And, I know the people are suffering, but, most of these people asked for it. Didn't they want Hamas to rule their land? Didn't they want Hamas to keep up the attacks FOR THEM?

Besides, when in times past has a war stopped because some people were struggling to find FLOUR!?!?!

If our administration had any guts at all, they would stand up and tell the UN to shove it all. Tell them, listen, if you don't take a stand against the Hamas murder organization, then you can get out of the USA. If you don't take a stand against them on a simple basic level of being terrorists, then you have no voice in Western Democracies.
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