The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Is This Hatred?

I'd like for you to take a good, hard look at this picture and tell me that it is based on some kind of rational thought.

Because, from where I'm sitting, it really looks to me like this guy would be in the mood to hate Israel, no matter what the occasion happened to be. And I'm not exactly sure what, if anything, Israel can do to actually appease his ill-conceived hatred.

(As an aside, be sure to pay real close attention to his hand gesture. After that, bask in the appreciation that he's probably calling Israel fascist.)Update: Alright, I couldn't resist:



#1 captainfish 08-Jan-2009
I want to see the after image where that flag's fabric, that is on fire, drops melting onto his head causing his hair to catch fire and leads to massive 3rd degree burns.

Now, that would be fun.

And, yeah, the hand gesture is what I noticed first. I would like to know what Israel ever did to Caracas to make these people hate Israel so much.

Oh, but I guess it doesn't really matter in this day and age what Israel does asn people will hate them for just existing.

nice find Brian.
Guess you had time on your hands since you had no server. (snark)
#2 Cletus 08-Jan-2009

they are left of center... if they don't hate Israel, it's a given that they at least dislike her
#3 captainfish 09-Jan-2009
CLETUS?? You are alive!!!

Hey Cletus, what is the deal with your professors union up there? They are throwing a fit at the colleges for hiring Jews.

Guess we will be seeing them in front of that Hate Speech board, right?
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