The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

One Solution for World Peace?

Gee, that's funny—There was another historical group that considered genocide of the Jews to be the "final solution" to world peace, too.

One wonders if the irony of this observation was lost on the photo editors over at the Associated Press before they published this picture.


Jihad Watch

 Tags: dita alangkara AP #Intifada


#1 Kevin 30-Dec-2008
I think you're misreading the protest sign. He's merely saying that it's very dusty in the middle east, and that Isreal needs to be wiped with a cloth from time to time.

He's just a clean-freak.
#2 captainfish 30-Dec-2008
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAaa that is funny Kevin.

I was thinking, "What, another ethnic group hates the Jews?"

but, alas, they were still muslims. Peace loving non-extremist muslims.

Am glad that it was not I who made the generalization about muslims... but themselves. Hard to argue with proof, eh upyurnoz?
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