The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


Of course grown adults created this mess. No child in his right mind would take credit for such idiotic looking papier-mâché.

Also, it's the idiot without a mask in this picture, along with the retarded-looking hammer and sickle, that have provided me with moments of immense enjoyment.

One must start the afternoon right, after all.

 Tags: ali hashisho REUTERS #YourProtestStinks


#1 captainfish 29-Dec-2008
Those wouldn't be Hezballah supporters as well would they?

Not like they need this incursion in order to protest anything Israel does.

They are just mad that Israel is now responding to the nearly 1000 rocket/mortar/bomb attacks that have occurred DURING the cease-fire.
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