The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


Yes, my Christmas cheer is tied to this blog's visitors-per-day count...
Traffic here really has died down. Did all of ye scoundrels leave me for greener pastures? Nobody wants to blog over Christmas? What's the dilly!

Feel free to chime in here if you have useful suggestions of things you'd like to see us cover, but we do a lousy job of. You're also welcome to fling poo at us and call us racists, or anything else that tickles your fancy.

In the mean time, I'd recommend checking out Snapped Shot turbo if you haven't seen it. I'm always open to Photoshop contest ideas, if you have any!



#1 Kevin 20-Dec-2008
Not sure. I noticed the same thing on my blog. I used to get up to three visits a week, but it has tanked all the way down to two :(.

#2 captainfish 20-Dec-2008
Hey Kevin, I gave you one visit. I just raised your visit rate by 33%. Yeah Me.

You know Brian, if it wasn't for commenting on our own posts, how many visits would you have? Sorry, didn't mean to make you hurt more.


Yeah, I have not been perusing much these past few weeks either. Possible reasons could include that the Mid-East has dropped to a simmer.

I imagine things will pick up after Jan 20. As bashing the new president will become daily fodder. At least until he follows USSR's new anti-speech, anti-thought moves.
#3 Kevin 21-Dec-2008
Hehe, thanks for the visit! The big money's going to start rolling in soon, once I decide on whether to accept McDonald's or Coca-Cola's one figure advertising deal (assuming that a penny is the first 'figure' in a monetary transaction).
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