The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Atoms for the Lord, Amen

There goes Iran again, shamelessly using its citizenry as props in its effort to legitimize its nuclear-weapons ambitions in front of the press.

I'm not sure what it says about Iran that the same faces keep appearing at these events. Could it be that Tehran running low on puppets that it can march into these media-friendly events?

I'm torn, incidentally. These photos show that either (a) Iran uses its citizens—or at the very least, a small portion thereof—as puppetry, staging protests like this for the cameras to help create the impression that your average Iranian citizen supports the nuclear program.

Or (b) the Iranian people really do support Tehran's nuclear program—because it is being taught by the imams that the Iranian government puts in its mosques.

I think this begs a larger question, and am positive that I'll be hearing some interesting reactions from at least one of you about it.Why is it that that the figurative Left contorts itself in rage at anything Christian—be it abstinence, creationism, or even the mere thought of prayer in public places—yet somehow, there always, without a single exception, seems to be an excuse for Islamic abuse of theology?

Suicide bombing? The Left says it's poverty that does it. How many times have we heard, after all, that terrorism in general is caused by a lack of education? Heck, even the abuse and repression of women is a deep-rooted cultural thing that we measly Colonizers in the West could never relate to, right?

(Those of you who are not accustomed to my subtlety, please be sure to click on the above links before responding.)

Hearing excuse after excuse, it's becomes patently obvious that the Left cares to hear not one iota of criticism or complaint about trends in Muslim behavior, and that we in the West are hatemongers for even considering the thought.

But if one Christian has the audacity to dedicate a statue to God, all hell breaks loose. Or if the Left finds one youth camp that calls itself Christian, even if it doesn't teach things that are traditionally considered to be Christian beliefs, it is raised to the atmospheric heights of mockery amongst knowing chuckles and general glee at we imbecilic Christians.

Aside from that, the other good question I'd love to know is why the press continues to fall for these types of photo-ops. I really do doubt that most Iranians "believe" in the divine sanction of Iran's nuclear program, peaceful or otherwise. I also believe very strongly that your average Iranian citizen is smart enough to see through their government's charade of "peaceful" nuclear energy.

The press, however, doesn't seem interested in finding that out, but instead repeats the Iranian government propaganda without challenge.

I wonder why that is?

 Tags: raheb homavandi REUTERS #Iran


#1 upyernoz 20-Dec-2008
since you asked...

i don't know as much about iran as i do the arab world. but i do have a good friend who spent a little time there practicing his persian. when he came back he said that:

(1) the iranian government is really unpopular, and
(2) the iranian nuclear programs is really popular.

in some ways those two things may seem contradictory to us. after all, the iranian nuclear program is one of the big reasons that the iranian regime is viewed as so threatening. but iranian's beef with them is mostly about infringements of personal liberties in their daily lives and perceived corruption of the mullahs and other elites.

but iranians also tend to be very patriotic (i.e. nationalistic, which is what "patriotism" is called when viewed from the outside). my friend says that most iranians think that if other countries are allowed to have nuclear technology, they should too. they also view it as a benchmark for distinguishing backwards countries vs. technologically advanced ones. in other words, nuclear technology is viewed as a point of pride for a lot of people. for that reason, when iranian leaders stick up for their right to have nuclear tech, it's one of the few issues that the people generally support them on.

again, i heard all of this second hand, albeit from a guy who spent a bit of time there and does know the language. what i found interesting is that he didn't hear any talk about needing nukes as a deterrant. in fact, it wasn't always clear to me whether the iranians viewed the discussion as being about nuclear weapons or nuclear power plants.

as for the weird oppressed christian rant at the end, i have nothing to say except that i really only care about theological issues to the extent that it is legislated in my own home country.
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