The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.


I've got a rather inappropriate joke floating around in my head after seeing this bunch of Lebanese communist college students (translated: "hippie hippie hippies"), but since I don't particularly care for offending the sensibilities of those who are easily offended, I'll refrain from actually saying it.

The title, as they say, should suffice.

If you care to elaborate down in yonder comments section, be my guest.



#1 Cletus 18-Dec-2008
In English, "Communist" translates to "I'm a ****ing moron, somebody shoot me in the face"
#2 captainfish 18-Dec-2008
There are such things as Lebanese Communists?

How bad does your life have to be in Lebanon to think Communism is the answer?

We almost elected one here. Does Marxist-Socialist count as a communist?
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