The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Fadi Arouri (Reuters) is a Baby

Some people just can't take a joke:

First of all, I’ll post my comment as a photographer, I’ll not speak about the boring Palestinian Israeli conflict.
It seems that u r so stupid to judge on our work, captions.. etc, because u r to lower than us in the way u think, we are professional photographers, controlled and monitored by professionals ISRAELI editors, so u need to knew that every word we put in the caption is True, Really True, So Stop u’re craps and have a life

What can I say? I'm jealous!

Be sure to read the rest of Aussie Dave's commentary at the link above. It's priceless, as always—Which is why he gets paid the big bucks!

 Tags: fadi arouri REUTERS #FridayFun


#1 Aussie Dave 22-Dec-2008
Big bucks? Do you know something I don't?! :)
#2 DJM 22-Dec-2008
That photographer has a BA in journalism? He's what the AP considers "the best"?
#3 captainfish 24-Dec-2008
Obviously English and grammar are not his strong suit. Did they not teach how to speak in Journalism?

I seriously doubt that it is the same.
#4 Maryam 05-Feb-2009
Well English is not his mother tongue, it doesnt mean he's stupid or whatever.I'm not sure you can speak arabic half good as he does speak English.

A bit of racism here and there doesn't make you sound smarter than him at all anyway...

PS:I'm French, will you tell me i'm stupid because I don't speak Englsih the way a native English speaker would do....
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