The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

A Bad Case of Projection

I have to admit—For these fine Pakistani gentlemen to think that now is a good time for standing out in the street declaring that India is enemy to peace (in Arabia, at least) takes an admirable amount of nerve.

I am especially impressed by how calm and reasonable their anti-Indian arguments are, in fact.

One can only hope that India is as calm and considerate in responding to Pakistan's aggression as these fellows are. [Ed.:—To clarify: India should respond to the aggression of militant Pakistani groups, not to the entire country of Pakistan. The last thing the world needs right now is two warring nuclear powers, imo.]

 Tags: khalid tanveer AP #YourProtestStinks


#1 upyernoz 04-Dec-2008
i was confused by the "arabia" thing on their signs too. but it seems that "wafaqul madaris arabia multan" is the name of a madrassa in pakistan. the reference on the signs may be nothing more than student protestors identifying their school.

is it really fair to act as if all of pakistan is like a group of people holding signs in one small city? that seems to be the spin of your post.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 04-Dec-2008

Makes sense -- I would [i]never[/i] suggest that these jokers represent "all" of Pakistan, by the way. See here for an eloquently-written (i.e., not by me) version of my take on that particular attitude from way back in 2007.

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