The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Twist and Shout

I'm betting that Abbas Momani/AFP had to twist himself into literal knots to get this particular composition.

Never let it be said that contorting onesself into odd positions to make a tiresome point with silhouettes doesn't pay off at the end of the day. Because I'm confident that we've never seen photos like that before.

 Tags: abbas momani AFP #Cruel Compositions


#1 captainfish 17-Nov-2008
hahaha... no doubt. was he laying down on the job or something?

By the way, the "peace" scarf and suits lend the right touch. And, I notice that all these people seem to be REALLY healthy and dressed well. I guess they are truly suffering, eh? Wonder if these are not ordinary "citizens", but are actually Fatah members. They are the ones with the money, right?

Once again, kids who should be in school are used as martyr-sticks for the media.
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