The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Aww, Shucks!

Spotted on a photography forum, answering the question, "Is Photoshop Killing Photojournalism?"

I think the issue is not about whether Photoshop can save a bad photo or not in the storytelling sense. Rather, it is the manipulation of photos (additions/removal of elements) that leads to either a biased perspective reflecting that of the image-maker or improving the aesthetics (add drama, fix composition, altering colours) that were not present at the point of the picture being captured.

You can see examples of such on, a website dedicated to exposing dishonest journalism. it is also quite a humourous read.

the black star agency recently published an e-book on photojournalism ethics in this age. click here to download. :)

Thanks for the kind words, Changster—I'm very glad to hear that you enjoy the site, and hope that you continue to stop by and visit! (Oh, and I hope you don't mind if I add your site to the blogroll. ;) )



#1 Chang 15-Nov-2008
not at all guys :) keep up the great work.
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