The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Fair and Balanced

Here's something else to consider:—In the following Reuters caption, I've highlighted Palestinian-sourced claims in terrorist red, and Israeli-sourced claims in Zionist blue. The sources, which were both indicated in the caption, have been underlined.

The resulting balance?

Judge for yourself:

A wounded Palestinian is carried to the hospital after an Israeli tank shells a building near the Nahal Oz terminal in Gaza April 9, 2008. Two Palestinian militants and a civilian were killed by Israeli tank shells that hit a building near the Nahal Oz terminal, Palestinian medics said. The Israeli army said it fired at gunmen. REUTERS/Ismail Zaydah (GAZA)

I suppose I should at least be happy that Reuters bothered to ask the IDF what it was doing. 'Course, they could have always checked those dastardly Forces' useful website.



#1 captainfish 13-Apr-2008
Sounds like a very successful operation to me. If the pallies dont want to get killed, then leave or stand up against the terrorists. Move to Israel if you want peace and prosperity.
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