The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Astroturfing Diversity

What is it about modern liberalism that lowers people to being so blatantly discriminatory? [Ed.:—Amerpundit, might want to watch your title names. Quotation marks in links are bad...] If Michelle Obama (and her handlers) genuinely believe that all people are "equal," then do they really have to bean-count every single person that appears around her?

Vaunted reader, I'll put this one to you—Is this a symptom of the modern Left's obsession with "political correctness?" Or is it a general side effect of the modern American notion of micromanagement?

Or is this not an either/or question? ;)

update: Yeesh, apparently I needed to drink a cup of "spelling" today. Oh, and Rooster? In a nutshell: She's race-baiting the background decoration, yo. That simple enough?



#1 Amerpundit 08-Apr-2008

Thanks for the tip! I never knew that happened when you put in quotation marks. I've fixed the post slug, though your link will continue to work.

Best Regards,

#2 Rooster 08-Apr-2008
Can you please rephrase that?
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