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Good Luck Swastika?

One runs across some of the strangest things when browsing through the day's news photographs. Consider this photograph, for instance, which was taken during a pro-Tibetan protest in New Delhi from today. Pay particular attention to the left-hand side of the frame.

Could this be a rare usage of the good luck swastika? Or is there something else going on here?

As usual, you're welcome to sound off in the comments with your theories. I'm as perplexed as you are!



#1 desertdweller 07-Apr-2008
The swastika is a very old symbol, originating in south Asia. I suspect another meaning.

BTW -- can you launch the linked pages in a popup or lightbox and not incur AP's wrath?
#2 Peterk 07-Apr-2008
nazi swastika is different from the lucky version which was not canted like the Nazi one, also if I'm not mistaken the good luck one is a mirror image/reversed
#3 PabloM 08-Apr-2008
Like the wiki page says, the swastika an ancient religious symbol with a long history prior to the Nazis.

While it is predominantly associated with Nazism in the US and Europe (and probably other places), I think much of Asia still views them within their own historical religious contexts. I remember being in Japan and seeing swastikas on several very old temples (don't remember if they were buddist or shinto or both). I was rather surprised at first, but the Japanese certainly saw their symbols as completely unaffiliated with Nazism.
#4 Joe in Australia 09-Apr-2008
The colors and style make me pretty sure that the emblem on the T-shirt was derived from the Nazi symbol. That doesn't mean that the wearer (or even the manufacturer) was aware of this. There's a huge gulf of cultural comprehension between Westerners and many Asians. Things that seem obvious to us can be head-scratchingly obscure to them, and vice versa.
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