The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Holy Cow! Snapped Shot on LGF?

I got a really nifty note from my blog mentor (and Chief Lizardoid) last night, informing me that Snapped Shot has been officially added to the News sidebar over at LGF! Here's my dastardly little contribution to the Lizardoid empire, live and in action:


That is so cool! Thanks for the vote of confidence, CJ!



#1 Kevin 07-Apr-2008
Are you still going to talk to the little people? Or has fame poisoned you?

Hehe, grats :).
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 07-Apr-2008
My PR agent will be in touch to answer that question shortly. ;)


#3 Rooster 07-Apr-2008
You act like you can see the damn thing on the main site.. You can't. It takes some clicks and ticks to finally view your crappy news. Nothing to be proud of you loser.
#4 Brian C. Ledbetter 07-Apr-2008
Heh, some nice commentary by our resident storm cloud. Thanks for the cheers, Roost!


#5 Rooster 07-Apr-2008
#6 Yishai 07-Apr-2008
Wow! Congrats Brian! I hope it translates into readership, then maybe some ad revenue? One can hope anyways.

One last thought, have you cleared the screenshot as fair use? jj.
#7 Skul 07-Apr-2008
Very nice. You write some good stuff so I'm not really surprised.

One each "atta boy".
#8 Rooster 08-Apr-2008
Yishai and Skul.. you all are faggots.
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