The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Multitasking Dangerously

This is actually pretty funny:

A Palestinian protester uses a sling against Israeli soldiers while eating an ice-cream during a protest opposed to Israel's security fence in the West Bank village of Bilin April 4, 2008. REUTERS/Baz Ratner (WEST BANK)

Another version of the same caption reads [Ed.:—The photo has been refiled, so the original caption is no longer available at this link.]:

A Palestinian protester eats an ice-cream and uses a sling shot at Israeli soldiers during a protest against Israel's security fence in the West Bank village of Bilin April 4, 2008. REUTERS/Baz Ratner (WEST BANK)

No matter which way you slice it, I'm definitely chuckling over here. Probably not what that "protester"-slash-anarchist intended, but well worth it nonetheless.

For more on the weekly circus that is Bilin, be sure to check out this video.

Curses, beaten to it by 30 minutes! :)

Another shot, courtesy friend of Snapped Shot Muhammed Muheisen. I like Muhammed's version better.



#1 soccer dad 04-Apr-2008
I guess that's walking and chewing gum Bilin style.
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