The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Happy April Fools' Day, Y'all!

I think it's the giant snowballs/boulders that does it for me. And yes, I know—this video is at least a million years old. Still funny, if you ask me:



#1 DMartyr 01-Apr-2008
Wasn't that last one getting squirted with the microphone Tom Cruise?

Funny click! You gotta love the Asian sense of humour. Almost as good as a British sense of humour! :)
#2 Yishai 01-Apr-2008
Heh. I like this one too:
#3 DMartyr 01-Apr-2008
Lol, Yishai, that was so bad. But sadly, that's pretty much the reaction you need to have to survive in today's world.
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