The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Peace Bus

I found this photoshopped gem at Common Sense Against Islam:

The Peace Bus
(Click to enlarge)

 Tags: fauxtography #Photography


#1 captainfish 31-Mar-2008
You sure that isn't photshopped?
Would seem that this image would have come out much sooner if this were real.

I don't know.. just strikes me a bit off.

But, I do love the irony of it all.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 31-Mar-2008
Dense-o-meter, sir. Dense-o-meter. Check the fourth word in the opening sentence. ;)

(Y'all are doing a [i]terrific[/i] job of finding stuff to talk about, btw! And here I am, staring at my feet, drawing a blank! :) )

Keep up the awesome work!

#3 DMartyr 01-Apr-2008
Definitely photoshopped.

I know it is because I have the original image. I had planned to do this very same edit when '' started the bus advertisements, but I never found the time. Whoever did this one probably did a much better job than I could have, anyway.

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