The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Geert Wilders is Burning

It took a couple of days to switch from "anti-Denmark anger" to "anti-Dutch" anger. These kinds of things take time, after all.

It was definitely worth the wait.

Interestingly enough, Geert appears to be covered in a Danish flag. I guess there's still an oversupply of those amongst the rage vendors in Pakistan?

The caption does say that this is "an effigy of Dutch lawmaker Geert Wilders and a Danish flag," for what it's worth. Which, as far as I can tell, makes this a multi-purpose ragefest.

Anyone have an effigy of the Pope?



#1 Charles Martel 02-Apr-2008
Geert Wilder's position is rational. That there is a violent movement in Islam which uses the Koran to justify itself. He calls on Muslims to challenge this movement or be complicit in their silence.

When people won't debate, they call their opponents insane. Muslims merely need to explain why they don't vigorously challenge the violent Jihadist movement. I think it is because they silently support it.
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