The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

YouTube Copyright Grinches?

It would seem that Jawa Report staffer Ragnar Danneskjold has had his YouTube account axed on account of supposed Terms-of-Service violations and/or excessive Copyright complaints.

Which is pretty interesting, considering how many Jihadis are able to operate fairly openly on YouTube, without one whit of protest, be it content or Copyright. Well, ther

(And yes, in case you were wondering, all of those mashup videos that put a music video to some crappy Anime clips are definitely in violation of the original Copyright. The original two Copyrights, in fact. Don't let me rain on your parade with that bad news, though... Oh, and I don't really mean "crappy," by the way. I enjoy Anime as much as the next dork.)

Anyway, best of luck creating your shiny new account raffuKlatuoS, Ragnar! I look forward to seeing your vids back online soon!



#1 Scott 02-Apr-2008
It's owned by Google. Would you expect anything less?
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