The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Always Peeking?

Y'all don't have anything to worry about from me. I'm behaving myself rather well over here. Honest! :)

Come for the IP complaint, stay for teh funneh.

(h/t Nigel, btw)



#1 Avid Editor 28-Mar-2008
That is alot of information on your visitors. What service do you use to get that level of info?

BTW great blog. Keep up the good work.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 28-Mar-2008
SiteMeter has the magic touch. It's free to sign up and use - just e-mail me if you need any help getting it set up on your blog.

I'm glad to hear that you enjoy the site! :)

#3 mikep 28-Mar-2008
So, they'll let u send traffic to their products but not "use" them in the course of conducting criticism or satire?

Doesn't sound like fair use to me....but, we've been down that path b4 right?
#4 Valen 29-Mar-2008
Hehe, nice!
#5 captainfish 29-Mar-2008
hahahahahahaa.. snicker.

yeah, Fair Use means "show me the money" and "screw you if you critique me".

Oh.. HI A(ss)P(irates). Or, as you are known in non-western nations - A(llah)P(undit).
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