How about wearing the names of those innocents who were muuuuuurdered by the terrorists we are actively engaged in a war to seek justice from? The "War on Terror" is just that. A war to route out all terrorists wherever they are. We don't care what affiliation they have. Al-Reuters (oops, meant Al-Queda) and the AP-liban (oops, meant Taliban) are the top two terrorist groups right now so we are going after them.
If I were in the presidents ear, I would have him go after those agents in Somalia, Philippines, Jordan, Lebanon, among many other places we need to go to kill terrorists.
I would also allow these anti-war people to get in a plane and go down to guantanemo bay prison and tell those confined there face-to-face that they love them and are on there side. I would love to see there faces when those evil pigs throw their sh*t into these nutbag's faces.
How about wearing the names of those innocents who were muuuuuurdered by the terrorists we are actively engaged in a war to seek justice from? The "War on Terror" is just that. A war to route out all terrorists wherever they are. We don't care what affiliation they have. Al-Reuters (oops, meant Al-Queda) and the AP-liban (oops, meant Taliban) are the top two terrorist groups right now so we are going after them.
If I were in the presidents ear, I would have him go after those agents in Somalia, Philippines, Jordan, Lebanon, among many other places we need to go to kill terrorists.
I would also allow these anti-war people to get in a plane and go down to guantanemo bay prison and tell those confined there face-to-face that they love them and are on there side. I would love to see there faces when those evil pigs throw their sh*t into these nutbag's faces.