The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Inflame the Masses

I can't see any other purpose in publishing this picture, other than to try and inflame the passions of the perpetually-inflamed Islamic world.

Is this photo newsworthy?

Is the selective angle and cropping of this photograph, which leads the reader to the impression that Israel is "calling" for the expulsion of Arabs—and by inference, the Dome of the Rock—from Jerusalem, helpful towards a peaceful dialogue in the Middle East?

Personally, I think the answer to both questions is a very resounding "No."

Notice that even the AP photo of the same sign makes it obvious that we're looking at a lone protester, and not some official Israeli government position.

Once again, Reuters has decided that its main purpose in life is to act as a propagandist for the Islamic terrorists throughout the world.

Too bad it can't be bothered to tell the news with as much vigour.

 Tags: yannis behrakis REUTERS #Intifada


#1 captainfish 18-Mar-2008
I dont get it.

How in the world do two major news-photo organizations come up with the EXACT SAME TITLE.

The same spot, the same message, the same title. how? How do two separate people working for two separate organizations come to the exact same spot at the exact same time and create the exact same title?!?!?!?

BULL CRAP in a soap dish.

al-Reuters and AssPirates will never ever ever be seen by me as anything but pro-terrorist and anti-democracy. They should be considered terrorist sympothisers and banned from USA.
#2 anon 19-Mar-2008
Actually, there were hundreds of right wing protesters chanting 'Death to Arabs', who then starting throwing stones at Arab houses and trashing cars.

Look at the photos posted by the same photographer immediately afterwards.

And you claim they are taking things out of context? What about you?
#3 Brian C. Ledbetter 19-Mar-2008

For all of their shouting, let's get serious. How many Arabs have [i]actually[/i] been killed by "right-wing" Israelis?

Compared to the other side of this equation, I'm not seeing what the big deal is here. Then again, I'm [i]dastardly[/i]—What'd you [i]expect[/i] me to say? ;)

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