The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Holy Cow!

You know that "good news" I was telling you about a few days ago?

I've been published by the kind folks over at Pajamas Media:

The AP threatened to sue Brian C. Ledbetter for reproducing their photos without authorization. But they didn’t ask permission before they grabbed Ashley Dupre’s pictures.

Be sure to click on over and read the rest. And then, when you wake up from your boredom-induced coma, be sure to check back over here for more fun and excitement!*

(* Fun and excitement may vary. Terms and conditions apply.)

Ooo, it looks like I got some Insty-linkage. Maybe that means it wasn't that boring! :)Oh yeah—There may be another announcement within the next week or two. Perhaps. Stay tuned, and we'll see where things go!

 Tags: copyright AP #DailyFodder


#1 Sam 24-Mar-2008
Kudos !!! I was seething with anger when i saw a few pictures captioned in Pro Terriost mode as in Kashmir...and while searching for the the name of the Reuter photographer to find the trends in his reporting, I landed on your Blog and lo and behold....this blog is echoing my sentiments on the same matter in much much better way than I could have done myself !!!

Well done...I am sure going to forward this blog link to many people !!!

Very Nicely Done !!!
#2 captainfish 24-Mar-2008
There ya go Brian.
Another satisfied customer.

However, pajamamedia link went bye-bye and their main link asked for a userID and password.

I dont know if the hooker-extraordenare has a case against AP or not. maybe. I have noticed that she is pasting her image all over the place lately. And some of the images make it clear she is not concerned with modesty and public image.

can kind of see AP's point, if the object does not care where her image is placed or how she may be viewed, then how can there be damage done?

Same for AP I guess. How can you hurt AP's image when it is already in the tank. You can only improve it by pointing out places where they can improve. THEY SHOULD HIRE YOU!!!!!
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