The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

The Religion of Peace (and Mistaken Identity!)

What else would you expect from a bunch of thugs that think the 7th century is oh so hip? From Gateway:

Kurt Westergaard is the Danish cartoonist who drew the now famous cartoon of "Mohammad the bomb" that was published in Jyllands-Posten.

Westergaard has been living under police protection since Islamists started rioting and killing people over the 12 cartoons... But, Kurt Westergaard is not the only Kurt Westergaard in Denmark.

In fact there are actually 81 other Kurt Westergaard's in Denmark.

[And] One of those non-cartoonist Kurt Westergaard's has also been receiving death threats. In fact, he has received several death threats.

And, his wife and 3 children are also getting calls. The Islamists promise that they will murder him and kidnap his children.

Jim says, "Nice."

Me? I prefer to call it what it is.




#1 captainfish 07-Mar-2008
I wonder if the AP will post their photos out of their sense of guardianship of information? I mean, it is for the good of the public to post photos of these innocent members of the public to highlight a news story. If for the common good, right?
#2 cletus 08-Mar-2008
I wonder what the outcry from all corners of the world and political spectrum would be if a middle class white guy like me started sending death threats to people like Syed Sowarhardy, Ibrahim Hooper, Nihad Awad and Mohamed Elmasry? There would be a lot more than just a couple of news articles.
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