The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Pakistani Peacemakers

Y'all might get a kick out of one particular poster in this Pakistani protest. Amazingly enough, the locals seem to be riled up over Israel's Gaza offensive for a change, rather than the usual Denmark cartoons.

From our peacemakers in Pakistan, we learn the words of wisdom:

"Elimination of Israel
The only
Solution of
Middle East Problems

Me personally? I think the elimination of Pakistan is the only solution of World Rage Problems, myself.

 Tags: mian khursheed REUTERS #YourProtestStinks


#1 captainfish 07-Mar-2008
WOW.. he rite pritty.

So, they are protesting Isreal's defense? How about protesting those members of his culture that are trying to destroy his own country. Seems they have more than enough to worry about within their own borders.

Brian, i really do miss you posting of the pertinent pictures.
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