We have been informed that the Associated Press takes issue with our use of their images on this website, and until I'm able to resolve this matter with them amicably, I'm going to have to take the site offline.
Please feel free to e-mail me if you know more about this kinda thing. I'm posting a copy of the AP's letter in the extended body of this article, for full disclosure.
Snapped Shot is a site that deals with the criticism of photojournalism. The industry is inaccurate in its reporting, it falls for terrorist propaganda too easily, and in general, the photos that you see presented as "news" on a daily basis are nothing more than fluff. This site has, from the beginning, intended to correct that by presenting specific instances of bias or inaccuracy along with commentary as to why said photographs are inaccurate. I have never drawn a profit from this website, and have never received compensation for any of the "copyrighted" works that are owned by the AP. Furthermore, I have always been careful to give full credit to the wire photographers who have taken the pictures, and have even interacted cordially with a handful of them.What The?
So why is the AP seeking action against me? I am not making any money off of their work. I am not a mainstream "news" site ala Yahoo, Google, or Breitbart. So what's the deal? Is the Associated Press uncomfortable with the content of this website? Have I struck a nerve too close to home? No idea, but if you're a lawyer that deals in intellectual property, I'm ready to become your new best friend...
The Mrs. suggests that I start blogging about Gardening. I dunno, don't you have to deal with the National Gardening Association to do that? [Ed.:—Okay, bad "legal threat" joke. At least I still have my well-honed sense of pun!]
As an aside, I'm somewhat befuddled on this point, and hope that some of you can help clarify this for me. How in the world can one provide analysis, commentary, and criticism on news photographs, if they are forbidden from actually showing said photograph? Did the Associated Press crack down on people who clipped newspapers out and shared them with their co-workers? Did they crack down on the thousands of fax-lists that powered New York through the 80's? And is this even relevant? I'd love to hear what you think.
I hope to continue with this blog, even though it's pretty clear that the form of it will change. I just need to make sure that everything's squared away with the current situation first. Please do stay tuned--I'll be posting updates here as I have them.
A kindly reminder to all: No lawsuit has been filed as of yet. As of now, I am only dealing with the heavily-implied threat of one. -B.
I am considering rounding up donations to purchase a valid license to operate with all Associated Press photos on this site. That would be the ideal situation for all of us, as the AP would theoretically be glad to get another paying customer.
However, I think there's much more potential here: What if we could create a website where anyone could comment on and critique the AP's work? Where the photos could be available for longer than the average 1 or 2 weeks that places like Yahoo! News offer? (I've got plenty of other ideas, but I'll leave it at this for now.)
The costs for doing this kind of thing are pretty high, but if there's anyone out there that's looking for a nice venture along these lines, be sure to let me know.
(I'd love to hear what you think of the idea, even if you aren't one of those people.)
My deepest gratitude to everyone here who rushed to help me here. Your response was truly awe-inspiring!
My input and reference to your site: