The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Did You Know?

You might be under the impression after listening to dhimmified Western leaders for the past 7 years or so, that Islam means "Peace."

Or, if you read many conservative blogs, that it really means "Submission."

Actually, judging by the sign bandied about by this particular Pakistani Portable Rage Mob, both of these sentiments are wrong.

You see, Islam stands for Always.

Who would've guessed it? ;)

In Related News, it would seem that some loving, compassionate, ever tolerant parent in Iran has been busy teaching "family values" to his son.

What better way to show your kids how to live well, than to teach them how to kill the kuf'r?

 Tags: asim tanveer kamran jebreili REUTERS AP #YourProtestStinks


#1 captainfish 13-Mar-2008
I like the next picture over.... Burning of "tyres" in protest of the Dutch producing images of their prophet.

Where is the UN protesting their protest? WHere are the greenies demanding that they get fined for polluting the atmosphere and increasing global warming?

Hey, can you guys come over here... we are freezing our butts off in one of the coldest snowiest years ever..... mmmmm global warming.
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