The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Rooster Meets John McCain

... and GettyImages meets Rooster, in a way. Congratulations for the experience, Roost!

I see you hiding back there!

I must say—It's always a happy day when your friendly Snapped Shot staff make the photo wires. Good job, Roost! I'll be sure to keep my eyes out for more cameo appearances from this little shin-dig.

Bonus: Here's the picture that Rooster took from the spot he's standing in above—

Yup, that sure looks like Mr. McCain to me.

I'll be rounding up more pics beyond the break, for those who are interested.

Rooster vid is available here and here. You can see him pretty clearly in that first one, behind the guy with the hat in centre-frame (look for the slightly annoying chap trying to take a cell phone picture ;) ;) )


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