The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Those Dang Presbyterians

... always hijacking planes, stabbing pilots, making bomb threats, and stuff! (h/t dogfightatbankstown)

Police have released details of a woman who attacked two pilots on a flight from Blenheim to Christchurch this morning.

The woman, who also made bomb threats, is a 33-year-old Blenheim resident.

Both pilots suffered knife wounds, one to the hand and the other to a foot, and are now in hospital. One passenger received a minor injury that was treated at the scene.


The woman, who police said was originally from Somalia, made bomb threats claiming there were two bombs on board the plane.

See-also: Aussie Dave, JammieWearingFool.



#1 Kevin 08-Feb-2008
I think you are jumping the gun here. She's from Somalia, but the article doesn't mention that she is a muslim. Frankly, this doesn't sound like something a muslim would do. islam is a religion of peace! George Bush told me so.
#2 Brian C. Ledbetter 08-Feb-2008
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