The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Not your Grandfather's Casablanca

One of the core tenets of the modern pan-Islamist movement is that no "Muslim" leader is to be reproached by a kuffar (unbeliever)—even if the "Muslim" leader in question was no more pious than the worst stereotypes of a Western leader.

Case in point—An "anti-Israel" protest in Casablanca, Morocco, where we once again get a glimpse at the utter depravity of the Islamists at the gates, as exhibited by their reverence to a horrific killer:

A Moroccan woman holds a photo of late Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, which reads 'Saddam Hussein the Martyr', shouts slogans during a protest against Israeli economic sanctions against Palestinians in the Gaza strip, Sunday, Jan. 27, 2008 in Casablanca, Morocco. Earlier this month, Israel tightened its already stringent restrictions on the movement of goods into Gaza in response to ongoing rocket fire at southern Israel from the territory, causing a severe shortage of fuel, electricity cutbacks and a lack of some basic foods. About 1,000 people marched through the streets of Casablanca to express their solidarity with the Palestinian people. (AP Photo/ Abdeljalil Bounhar)

I'm shocked, shocked, I tell ya.


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