The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Fox News Grows a Pair?

We Report, You Rage

Very interesting, indeed. Gateway has the scoop:


In reporting on the latest Mohammad controversy at Wikipedia, FOX News also posted photos of Mohammad in their story and on the front of the FOX News website.

The original Fox story is here. For a more complete set of forbidden Mohammed pictures, go here. It'll be interesting to see if this sparks a protest or two.

Me? I'm betting on "no." After all, doesn't everybody know that Fox is the network for Crusaders by now?



#1 Ironic Surrealism II 08-Feb-2008
Images of Muhammed posted on Reuters and Fox news! Please scroll down for update.
Gay Jesus play blasted by bishop
A PLAY that depicts Jesus as a gay man who is seduced by Judas and conducts a gay marriage for two apostles has been condemned by religio...
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