The Ghost of Snapped Shot

Or, welcome to my low-maintenance heck.

Rage Collision

I'm not sure if this was caused by a problem on Louai Beshara's camera, some kind of network issue he encountered while uploading it to the wire services, or Yahoo!'s legendary stability, but the result is pretty funny nonetheless. And besides, it's not like one can really tell the difference between all the ragin' these days.

Palestinian refugees chant slogans during a demonstration against the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, at the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmuk, January 21. The UN Security Council was to meet in emergency session on the humanitarian crisis triggered by Israel's crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip in response to the firing of rockets into the Jewish state. (AFP/Louai Beshara)

 Tags: louai beshara AFP #Round-up

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