Ask someone who lives near the great lakes, or Sierra Nevadas, or...BOSTON about snow.
heheheee I lived in Wisconsin for 2 years. One winter we got over 3 feet accumulated with about 2 inches of ice at the very bottom. It was around for a long time.
(I miss snow...)
#2 dm60462 18-Jan-2008
You are so spoiled. One hour and 15 minutes is not even the length of a commute on a bright, sunny day. Mine was 3 hours yesterday.
3 hours?! Holy cow, where in the world were you driving to?
LOL, yeah, I guess I am a bit spoiled. Back when I drove from Alexandria to Reston every day, I had a handful of multi-hour commutes, but they were few and far between. This is my first "major" (yeah, yeah, I hear ya Cap'n) snowstorm working in the Tyson's Corner area, so I was expecting the worst... Other than taking a half-hour to drive 1 mile to the interstate, it wasn't too bad, though.
Ugh. Tysons. That part of town has 9 ways in and only 2 ways out. A really bad snowstorm there about 5 years ago had my then girlfriend stuck in Tysons traffic for 6 hours.
Ask someone who lives near the great lakes, or Sierra Nevadas, or...BOSTON about snow.
I lived in Wisconsin for 2 years. One winter we got over 3 feet accumulated with about 2 inches of ice at the very bottom. It was around for a long time.
(I miss snow...)